Re Wild

No Mow

Re Wild No Mow

The PollinAIDor Garden Guide is a low-cost, easy-to-use wooden lawn frame and app that allows new and experienced lawn owners to digitally mix and match native flora to then be planted on the physical frame. The frame is to be slightly sunken into the soil, and its chosen thinness aims to facilitate an uninterrupted flow of nutrients to the soil beneath. The frame’s sectors reserve a calculated soil space for annuals, perennials, and wild grasses, all in a concentrated area–transforming a mowed lifeless lawn into a backyard bouquet.

The wood cross beams have engraved breakpoints, allowing the user to snap the original standard frame and rearrange the sectors to make different flower beds based on their available lawn space. For example, the right side of the frame can be snapped off, leaving an “L” shape for lawn corners or smaller lawns; two frames can be placed back-to-back, creating an island patch for larger lawns; the left and right side of the frame snap off and can connect to other side-less frames creating strips for yard borders. 

The user can scroll through the PollinAIDor App’s library of local plant life in each frame sector, sifting through a plethora of annuals, perennials, or grasses to render their ideal wild garden (red=annuals, pink=perennials, yellow=grass. The app makes re-wilding more approachable and predictable, making the practice more enticing to lawn owners who associate “wild” with “messy.” The app and frame facilitate the reintroduction of native and wild life into residential lawns, strengthening global biodiversity one yard at a time.


Children's Chair

